Thursday, December 08, 2005

Change Is Inevitable

As you might have noticed I have changed the site a little bit. I've got way too much time on my hands and got board. It looks like I will be heading out of the country in about 6 months. While over seas I hope to continue using the blog. I will still be using this blog to chronicle my running exploits, but I will also be using it to chronicle the Peace Corps experience. I could start another blog, but that takes time and as I previously stated, I have way too much of that to be bothered with more responsibility. Wait...that's right, I'm just a little to lazy to do it. There will be more changes to come as I slowly learn to mess with the html code without screwing it up too much. Stay tuned to follow me around the world. You could make it fun like, say, Where's Waldo. I actually resemble Waldo on some level. But that's another topic.


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