Saturday, December 09, 2006

Philosophy Of The Storm

Have you ever just sat and watched a thunderstorm? I do all the time, and it doesn't make me wierd at all.
When I was a little kid I used to love to sit and watch, and also play in, the awesome thunderstorms we would get in central Florida. I still do today as well! Thunderstorms here in Zambia seem to be a most spectacular event to behold.
We are well into the rainy season over here and mother nature has been putting on some spectacular shows for us. These storms are an invigorating, life giving and calming experience all in one for me.
Each storm seems to have it's own personality that unfolds before you as though you were in the audience of the biggest theatre ever: The World. Some are slow peaceful rains that last all afternoon, while others are fierce and violent and push there way through in a mater of minutes. Of course, there's the mesmerizing heat storms that seem to turn the clouds into a larger than life light show that dances across the sky like a graceful ballerina.
Storms are mother nature's way of forming the world as she sees fit. Like a paint brush on a canvas, these storms alter and shape the world into a masterpiece.
So...if you haven't enjoyed a storm lately, I really think you should try it. If you don't have any where you are, we've got plenty here in Zambia and you are more than welcome to come and join me in Shukwe and enjoy the show.


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