Sunday, July 23, 2006

Six Weeks Down!

Hey folks,
I have now been in Zambia for just over six weeks. I just arived in Lusaka after a one week site visit to Northwestern Province (My new home). It seems to be an awesome place and I am looking forward to living and working there. I will be here in Lusaka at Kasisi Farm for about a week of training and then it is back to Kitwe for two more weeks of training. I sware in (Baring any complications) on August 15th. I hope that everyone is doing well and thanks for the letters.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Mafloquine Dreams

Hello Everyone,
It is the first of July and I have been in Zambia now for about three weeks. Things are going great and I am learning a lot. I had my first eval in Language yesterday and it went well. I am learning all sorts of bits and peices about the culture and My program(LIFE).
A few of you have sent me some mail and I thank you. Keep it coming! It takes about 10 to 12 days for it to get over here. My only access to the rest of the worl is the BBC and I think it is turning me British. It is great to hear from everyone.
As you can tell fromt he title of the post, I am on Mefloquine for my Maleria Profylaxis. It is fine except for the crazy side-effects. I am having some pretty crazy dreams, but ther fun. The food is great and my Bamaama loves to cook my favorites for me.
Last week I got to watch Ghana and Brazil go at it on the pitch in a bar in Mwekera Zambia called the Miombo Club. My new friend Josh and I enjoyed the game with some Zambians over a few nice, cold Orange Fantas. It was great. These almost sureal moments seem to happen a lot in Zambia. I guess it's just one of the hazards of traveling the world.
Anyways, I've got to get going.
Peace, Love and Happy Fourth!